Sunday, June 6, 2010


The problem with having Manic Disorder is that it is seldom diagnosed. Especially in the Philippines that is considered to be very optimistic populated nation. People would consider forgetting about it or ignoring it as a solution, because it carries a sense of shame and embarrassment. Trying to get to the roots of the problem is difficult as people will not claim to have ‘bad blood’ in the family, and denies any one in the family could have potentially had such disorder.

A lot of famous people though are actually affected by the disorder. Namely: Kurt Cobain, Patty Duke, Vincent Van Gogh, Mel Gibson, Graham Greene, Linda Hamilton, Vivien Leigh, Ozzy Osborne, Sinead O’Connor, Axl Rose, Sydney Sheldon, Jean Claude Van-Damme, Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf. (If you want a longer list go to

One of the things that people should understand about Manic Depressive people is that the intentions and objectives are always pure. Impatience and temperament causes such reactions which results for them to seem like going ballistic about simple things. Bipolar disorder seems to have given Manic Depression a more intense meaning. Manic Depression seems milder. Manic depressive people need to be busy and to make sure to have something always to look forward to.

I know of a friend who is a mother and wife, her child is with the father and both are in Bicol while she stays in Manila to work. She always makes stars while waiting for calls to keep her busy. When I asked her if it was difficult to have her child and husband in Bicol far from her, she says it actually helps, though she misses her child very much, she always have something to look forward to at the end of every payday to go home to. Her tendency to kill herself diminished with the knowledge that she has a child waiting for her. What keeps her going is the love of her child and the love and understanding of her husband.

Suicides are predominant among Manic Depressives, as they believe that if they kill themselves and die it will end all their problems and their death will give the people around them the peace of mind they deserve. Most of the time they feel as if they are the talk of the town, or people or ganging up on them (this a more intense type of MD).

It is a very dark journey and a very difficult one at that. People though will never know the journey of how difficult it is to live in a life that seems to be not yours. How dark the room was, or how lonely and miserable the nights are even if you are surrounded by people. All you ever wanted was a sense of purpose to continue to live, and to be convinced that it was never your fault. It is just is. Manic Depressive people suffer to free themselves, what makes it worst is that nobody listens and if they do listen, they do not understand or refused to understand. Making a MD more depressed and anxious, and even to feel embarrass instead of being free and be understood.

I guess what really could describe a Manic Depressive person was the song written by Don McLean for Van Gogh, entitled ‘Vincent.’ Here it is:

starry night
paint your palette blue and grey

look out on a summer's day
with eyes that know the
darkness in my soul.
Shadows on the hills
sketch the trees and the daffodils

catch the breeze and the winter chills

in colors on the snowy linen land.
And now I understand what you tried to say to me

how you suffered for your sanity
how you tried to set them free.
They would not listen
they did not know how

perhaps they'll listen now.

starry night
flaming flo'rs that brightly blaze

swirling clouds in violet haze reflect in
Vincent's eyes of China blue.
Colors changing hue
morning fields of amber grain

weathered faces lined in pain
are soothed beneath the artist's
loving hand.
And now I understand what you tried to say to me

how you suffered for your sanity
how you tried to set them free.
perhaps they'll listen now.

For they could not love you
but still your love was true

and when no hope was left in sight on that starry
starry night.
You took your life
as lovers often do;
But I could have told you
this world was never
meant for one
as beautiful as you.

starry night
portraits hung in empty halls

frameless heads on nameless walls
with eyes
that watch the world and can't forget.
Like the stranger that you've met

the ragged men in ragged clothes

the silver thorn of bloody rose
lie crushed and broken
on the virgin snow.
And now I think I know what you tried to say to me

how you suffered for your sanity

how you tried to set them free.
They would not listen
they're not
list'ning still
perhaps they never will.


Have you ever met someone who is either totally happy or totally sad, and one who seems you will never understand? It is possible you met someone who has manic depression. Do you know what manic depression is?

Manic depression or now called Bipolar Disorder is a brain disorder that causes unusual changes in the person’s mood, energy, and ability to function. Manic depressive refers to mood swings from overly “high” (manic) to overly “low” (depressed).

Manic-depressive illness or bipolar disorder affects both men and women. Although it can start at any age, it usually begins in late adolescence. Bipolar disorder is found among people of all ages, races, ethnic groups, and social classes. It appears to have a genetic link and tends to run in families. But nothing has been proven yet. It is possible that certain incidences in one’s life can cause such condition. When a certain nerve snaps and causes mood swings.


Manic depression symptoms (as found in manic-depressive disorder or bipolar disorder) involve symptom sets that are the opposite of each other. One involves a “high” set and the other a “low” set. These symptoms are found in a continuous range, mild-moderate-severe, in both the manic and depressive aspects.

The National Institute of Mental Health lists many of the following Manic Depression symptoms. Manic disorder that characterize the high or ‘manic’ aspect of manic disorder are called episode includes the following:
Mania is the signature characteristic of bipolar disorder, and depending on it's severity, is how the disorder is classified. Mania is generally characterized by a distinct period of an elevated, expansive, or irritable mood state. People commonly experience an increase in energy and a decreased need for sleep. A person's speech may be pressured, with thoughts experienced as racing. Attention span is low and a person in a manic state may be easily distracted. Judgment may become impaired; sufferers may go on spending sprees or engage in behavior that is quite abnormal for them. They may indulge in substance abuse, particularly alcohol or other depressants, cocaine or other stimulants, or sleeping pills. Their behavior may become aggressive, intolerant or intrusive. People may feel out of control or unstoppable. People may feel they have been "chosen," are "on a special mission," or other grandiose or delusional ideas. Sexual drive may increase. At more extreme phases of bipolar I, a person in a manic state can begin to experience psychosis, or a break with reality, where thinking is affected along with mood. Many people in a manic state experience severe anxiety and are very irritable (to the point of rage), while others are euphoric and grandiose.
Increased energy, activity, and restlessness
Excessively ‘high,’ overly good, euphoric mood
Distractibility, can’t concentrate well
Racing thoughts and talking very fast
Jumping from one idea to another
Little sleep needed
Increased sexual drive
Spending sprees
Poor judgment
Unrealistic beliefs in one’s abilities and powers
Extreme irritability
Provocative, intrusive, or aggressive behavior
Abuse of drugs, particularly cocaine, alcohol, and sleeping medications
Denial that anything is wrong
Lasting period of behavior that is different from usual
Signs and symptoms of the depressive phase of bipolar disorder include persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, guilt, anger, isolation, or hopelessness; disturbances in sleep and appetite; fatigue and loss of interest in usually enjoyable activities; problems concentrating; loneliness, self-loathing, apathy or indifference; depersonalization; loss of interest in sexual activity; shyness or social anxiety; irritability, chronic pain (with or without a known cause); lack of motivation; and morbid suicidal ideation. In severe cases, the individual may become psychotic, a condition also known as severe bipolar depression with psychotic features.
Symptoms of manic disorder that characterize the low or ‘depressive’ aspect of manic-depressive disorder are the following:
Lasting sad, anxious, or empty mood
Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed, including sex
Decreased energy, a feeling of fatigue or of being “slowed down”
Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions
Restlessness or irritability
Sleeping too much, or can’t sleep
Change in appetite and / or unintended weight loss or gain
Chronic pain or persistent bodily symptoms not caused by illness or injury
Thoughts of death or suicide / suicide attempts
Hypomania is generally a mild to moderate level of mania, characterized by optimism, pressure of speech and activity, and decreased need for sleep. Generally, hypomania does not inhibit functioning like mania. Many people with hypomania are actually in fact more productive than usual. Some people have increased creativity while others demonstrate poor judgment and irritability. Many people experience signature hypersexuality. These persons generally have increased energy and tend to become more active than usual. They do not, however, have delusions or hallucinations. Hypomania can be difficult to diagnose because it may masquerade as mere happiness, though it carries the same risks as mania.
Hypomania may feel good to the person who experiences it. Thus, even when family and friends learn to recognize the mood swings, the individual often will deny that anything is wrong.[10] What might be called a "hypomanic event", if it not accompanied by complementary depressive episodes ("downs", etcetera), is not typically deemed as problematic whatsoever: the "problem" arises when mood changes are uncontrollable and, more importantly, volatile or "mercurial". If unaccompanied by depressive counterpart episodes or otherwise general irritability, this behavior is typically called hyperthymia, or happiness, which is of course perfectly normal. Indeed, the most elementary definition of bipolar disorder is an often "violent" or "jarring" state of essentially uncontrollable oscillation between hyperthymia and dysthymia.

In the mixed manic-depressive state, symptoms of mania and depression occur together. The person may exhibit these symptoms:
Trouble sleeping
Significant change in appetite
Suicidal thinking
Having a very sad, hopeless mood while at the same time feeling extremely energized
In the context of bipolar disorder, a mixed state is a condition during which symptoms of mania and clinical depression occur simultaneously (for example, agitation, anxiety, aggressiveness or belligerence, confusion, fatigue, impulsiveness, insomnia, irritability, morbid and/or suicidal ideation, panic, paranoia, persecutory delusions, pressured speech, racing thoughts, restlessness, and rage).[11]

1. Know your personal triggers: Manic-depressive illness has a recurrent pattern, and continuous treatment is necessary. An adequate amount of sleep and regular sleep times are of primary importance in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Knowing personal triggers such as sleep patterns and life events help in the proper treatment of the disease.

2. Medication: Psychiatrists generally prescribe medications known as “mood stabilizers” e.g., lithium or valproate. If needed, antidepressants are used to balance the highs and lows of the disease.

3. Monitor your thyroid function: People with bipolar disorder often have abnormal thyroid function. Thyroid levels need to be monitored carefully because they affect mood and energy levels.

4. Learn to spot relapses: For a person with manic-depressive illness, understanding the illness and learning to spot relapses is vital to successful treatment. This applies to the person who has the illness as well as family members who often seek treatment.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


I will be posting recipes of home made candies so anyone can start their business. if you know more please feel free to add your post! THESE RECIPES CAME FROM OTHER WEBSITES WHICH I COMPILED!

Pastillas de Leche


• 2 cups powdered milk
• 1 can condensed milk (300 ml)
• white sugar for rolling


1. Gradually sift powdered milk in condensed milk. Mix and blend evenly, using spoon, then, knead with hand.
2. Set aside for 5-10 minutes before shaping into small balls. Roll on sugar. Wrap in cellophane.
4. Pastillas de Nangka:
5. Add to basic recipe ? cup fresh, finely chopped nangka.
6. Mocca Pastillas:
7. Dissolve 1 tbsp. Instant coffee and 2 tbsp. Unsweetened cocoa, in ? cup boiling water. To the basic recipe, increase powdered milk by ? cup.
8. Pinipig Pastillas:
9. Using the basic recipe, roll the pastilles balls on toasted pinipig (coat well), pressing a little to the ball. Then, roll on sugar.


• 4 cups of all purpose flour
• 2 cups powdered milk
• 1 1/2 cup melted butter
• 2 cups sugar

You will also need the following:
• Japanese paper or cellophane
• Polvoron Moulder


1. Toast flour in a moderate heat.
2. Stir constantly to avoid burning
3. Remove the pan and transfer the mixture on a big bowl. -Add the powdered milk, toss for another 3-4 minutes. -Add sugar and melted butter. Mix well.

What to Do:

1. On a pan, toast flour in a moderate heat for about 15 minutes, or until light brown, stir constantly to avoid burning.
2. Remove the pan and transfer the mixture on a big bowl.
3. Add the powdered milk, toss for another 3-4 minutes.
4. Add sugar and melted butter. Mix well.
5. Fill the mould with the mixture, press it hard by using a spoon, then release it, if it is still too loose, add more butter or olive oil. Make sure that you could pick up the polvoron without it crumbling straight away.
6. Place the polvoron in a airtight container, chill in the fridge until firm.
7. Carefully wrap the polvoron individually in japanese paper or cellophane.

Keep refrigerated until you want to eat them. You can store them on the fridge for about a week, or you can freeze them.